The 25th of April was officially named Anzac Day in 1916. It was marked by a wide variety of ceremonies and services in Australia, a march through London, and a sports day in the Australian camp in Egypt. In London over 2,000 Australian and New Zealand troops marched through the streets. In Kenmore, the parade marches down the main street of Moggill and dismounts at the Kenmore Memorial in the grounds of Kenmore Shopping Village
Recognition of the men and women who have served, remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation, this is where the ANZAC Day message begins. It is a day to commemorate conflicts where Australians have served but the narrative ends with an appreciation of our freedoms. The best way that all Australians can honour our ANZAC’s is to contribute each and every day to making our nation the kind of place that we want our children to love.