The freedom we each have, to choose our own way of life is what makes Australia great. That freedom is a privilege we believe is worth fighting for.
Donations allow us to assist Veterans, local School children, the needy & other vulnerable people in our community. They also help us promote the sacrifices made by our Servicemen and Women to preserve our freedom.

About Your Donations
Donations allow us to assist Veterans, local School children, the needy & other vulnerable people in our community. They also help us promote the sacrifices made by our Servicemen and Women to preserve our freedom.
We understand that you will probably want to check out where your money is spent & the great work that we do in the community! This is easily done by clicking on our Welfare, and Budget pages. Each month we also publish our financial report on this website to confirm that we are on track.
To continue this work, we appreciate every donation that members of the public in our community make, to the RSL. Businesses can get involved too by checking out our sponsorship page.