Brisbane OP SLIPPER Parade Information


The end of 2014 has marked the conclusion of Operation SLIPPER, Australia’s military contribution to the International Security Assistance Force mission in Afghanistan, and the International Coalition against Terrorism mission across Afghanistan and the Middle East, which commenced in October 2001. To mark the end of Operation SLIPPER a parade will be held on Saturday 21 March 2015 in the Brisbane CBD, followed by a memorial service conducted on the grassed area of the Brisbane Southbank Forecourt.

Participation in the commemoration activities is limited to Defence and former Defence personnel who deployed on Operation SLIPPER, Operation PATATE II and Operation HERRICK and Other Government Agency personnel who deployed in support of the Whole of Government commitment to combat terrorism in the Middle East. Allied nations’ veterans and locally engaged employees who served as part of this operation are welcome to participate.


21 March 2015.


The march will commence at 10.30am. The memorial service will take place immediately after the conclusion of the march on the grassed area on the Southbank Forecourt.

 March route

The parade will march down Adelaide Street with an eyes right given at the Shrine of Remembrance and the saluting dais located at King George Square, left wheel down George Street, right wheel down Elizabeth Street, right wheel down William Street, left wheel across crossing North Quay and Victoria Bridge, then left wheel onto the grassed area of the Southbank Forecourt. Units will then be guided to form up to view the memorial service.


Transport will be provided for Defence personnel only.

 Car parking

There are limited car parks in the Brisbane CBD. It is advisable to use public transport to and from the venue.


  1. Uniform members – Ceremonial uniform with tunic and medals.
  2. Plain clothes members – Business suit or equivalent with medals.


Guests should prepare themselves appropriately for high temperatures and a high UV rating.


Participants and guests should expect a large media presence.

 Aircraft and vehicles

Local residents, guests and participants should expect the presence of military aircraft and non-armoured vehicles in the lead up to and at the event. There will be unavoidable exposure to aircraft noise, which may inconvenience some residents.

 Road closures

There will be some road disruptions and/or closures. View the map or contact the local police for details.

 For Non Australian Defence Force participants

Individuals who are Operation SLIPPER veterans and are not serving with the ADF are strongly encouraged to participate in the parade. Register your interest by completing the form and emailing it to the parade coordinator. Individuals are to be dressed in smart civilian attire with medals (if applicable). Contact: Contact the Parade Coordinator via email to [email protected]