The Darwin Bombing

The Bombing of Australia started on the 14th of February 1942, the bombing runs were usually day runs and often were more than once a day, organized by Japanese air forces the bombings started in the northern Territory then they hit hard on Darwin before moving around the coasts of Australia.

On the nineteenth of February Darwin itself was bombed and about 252 allied forces as well as civilians were killed as a result of the twin attacks on the day by a fleet of around 200 bombers and fighters.

after the first large bombing several more occurred over the next few months but only by smaller groups of between 30 and 40 bombers and fighters. The bombing runs primarily took place during the day although a few small night runs did take place as well.

the final attack on Darwin was on 12 November 1943 and was the 64th attack , and the 97th bombing run on Australia. though enemy reconnaissance continued until around 1944