DVA e-News Issue – 5 – 2012



In this issue:Issue – 5 – 2012

  • Aussie veterans return to battlegrounds 70 years on
  • Gallipoli 2015 – There’s still time to have your say
  • DVA services over the holiday season
  • More DVA services available online in December
  • Remembrance Day 2012
  • Thousands participate in Veterans’ Health Week 2012
  • Want to get your Vetaffairs newspaper faster?
  • Want more DVA news?
  • Recent Publications
  • Media Releases

Aussie veterans return to battlegrounds 70 years on

Two groups of Australian veterans made the memorable journey back to the countries where they fought 70 years ago in the Second World War.

In late October, 21 veterans from across the country left Sydney bound for Egypt to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein and the campaigns in North Africa and Syria.

In early November a further eight veterans departed for Papua New Guinea (PNG) to mark the 70 years since the battles of Kokoda and the Beachheads.

Visit the DVA website to find out about the veterans’ experiences and retrace their journey back to PNG and North Africa.

Gallipoli 2015 – There’s still time to have your say

Australians around the country have shared their thoughts on how the nation should be represented on Anzac Day at Gallipoli in 2015.

If you haven’t had a chance to have your say – there’s still time.

Community forums are continuing throughout November, and you can complete the online survey by visiting the Gallipoli 2015 website before 30 November 2012.

DVA services over the holiday season

With Christmas just around the corner, DVA wishes to advise that all offices will be closed over the holiday season from Tuesday 25 December 2012 to Tuesday 1 January 2013 inclusive. The Department will re-open for normal business on Wednesday 2 January 2013.

During this time, many important services will still be available to the veteran community:

  • Crisis counselling – VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service offers 24-hour crisis counselling through Veterans’ Line, call (toll free) 1800 011 046. This service is also available outside business hours everyday.
  • Transport – if you haven’t booked your transport before the Christmas period, please pay up front and seek reimbursement from DVA later. Alternatively, if you have registered withMyAccount you can book and claim travel expenses online, anytime.
  • Hospital admissions – doctors can admit DVA patients into hospital and then request admissions approval, where required, when DVA offices re-open.
  • Defence Service Homes Insurance – help with policy and claim enquiries is available 24-hours a day on 1300 552 662, and payments can be made on 1300 304 989 or via the DSH website.

Pension payments will be made on the usual days during the period of reduced services.  For more information visit the DVA website.

More DVA services available online in December

Over 6500 veterans and family members are already using DVA’s new online service MyAccount. From December more services will be made available including downloading your pension statements and concession letters, as well as submitting and tracking feedback to DVA.

Currently via MyAccount you can book transport to medical appointments, view information about payments and concession cards, lodge travel claims (VEA only), change contact details and view the status of claims.

More services are being added every six months for the next three years.

To register or find out more, visit the MyAccount website, or phone 133 254 or 1800 555 254 (from regional Australia).

Remembrance Day 2012

On Sunday, 11 November 2012 at 11am, Australians will pause for a moment’s silence to remember all those who have served our nation.

Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). Over 416,000 Australians enlisted for service, with more than 60,000 losing their lives on the Western Front, at Gallipoli, in the Middle East, at sea and in the air.

As we reflect on those fallen in past wars and conflicts, it is also important to honour the contribution of those who continue to serve Australia today, and reflect on the tragic loss of personnel in recent times.

Visit the DVA website for a range of resources to help plan a Remembrance Day ceremony and to find out what is happening across the country. Make sure you wear a red poppy and pause for a moment of reflection this Remembrance Day.

Thousands participate in Veterans’ Health Week 2012

Veterans’ Health Week 2012 ran from 22 to 28 October involving a record 12,000 veterans, war widows and widowers, family and friends taking part in over 170 events around Australia.

One highlight was the Veterans’ Gardening Workshops in Tasmania which featured the well-known former ABC-TV presenter, Peter Cundall.

To see photos of the workshop and other Veterans’ Health Week activities around Australia visit DVA’s Flickr page.


(Photo provided by Magnolia Photography & Printing)

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