Kenmore-Moggill RSL Sub Branch recently hosted two Kenmore State High School year 12 drama classes (about 35 students) for the day. The students were researching and gathering information for their end of year Community Theatre Production which must have a local community focus. The Production also contributes to the student’s final year assessment. The RSL was chosen because of the organisation’s high profile and interaction with the local community and close links between the school and the RSL with other community projects.
The students are basing their production on research gathered from a range of RSL members who have experienced the military first hand, in particular operational and deployed activities. During the visit, students had access to a number of veterans ranging from WWII veterans (including Bomber Command) some of whom had links to WWI veterans, Vietnam, the first Gulf War, Timor Peace Enforcement and veterans with extensive operational service within Australia. The students have about 12 weeks to write and cast the production for the end of year performance which will be held at the Kenmore State High School on 5th November.
The Sub-Branch provided an informal environment for everyone – veterans and students to enjoy an informal sausage sizzle for lunch which was superbly prepared by students. The venue provided an excellent forum for students, teachers and veterans to engage in casual and friendly conversation.
Throughout the day, the President (Trevor Dixon) showed groups of students the various military artifacts on display throughout the RSL complex providing interesting commentary to very interested students. One highlight was the explanation of the “Aerogram” which is a pre-prepared writing pad made from very thin paper which folds into an envelope. The pad on display at Kenmore-Moggill Branch has been used, and was specifically designed for the Dardanelles campaign as indicated by printing on the exterior cover. See the slide show for pictures of the Aerogram.
All Sub-Branch members wish the students well with the production and their end of year assessments.