Photo – 18th Battalion June 2015


This is a very significant group photo of the 18th Battalion officers and sergeants taken in Sydney on 5 June 1915, just prior to their leaving Australia for Gallipoli as part of the 2nd Division.

It is believed that the officer seated at the head of the right hand table is Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred CHAPMAN VD who commanded the battalion when they landed at Gallipoli in mid August 1915.


Unfortunately, the battalion was annihilated on 22 August when they were ordered to advance towards and capture Hill 60.  The CO was devastated at the loss of so many of his men and resigned his commission.

The officer (third on right from bottom of photo is Lieutenant William LESLIE who was one of the six officers of the battalion killed on 22 Aug 15.  We think that the sixth officer on the right in the photo is Lieutenant Leonard MARJASON who was one of the two officers killed on 27 Aug 15.