22 April 2015
Schools program update
The Kenmore-Moggill RSL Sub-Branch has a very strong and unique relationship with all the State Schools, one private Special School and one Catholic Primary School in our district. This active and quite unique partnership covers:
- Kenmore State High School
- Brookfield State School
- Chapel Hill State School
- Fig Tree Pocket State School
- Glenleighden School
- Kenmore South State School
- Kenmore State School
- Moggill State School
- Mt Crosby State School
- Pullenvale State School
- Upper Brookfield State School
- OL R Catholic Primary School
Support to the schools
The Sub-Branch has a dedicated “Contact Officer” allocated to each of these schools and it is the role of these Members to represent the RSL at school ANZAC Day Services, and Remembrance Day Services and also attend school graduation events.
Each year the Sub-Branch provides a book prize and bursary to two High School students in grade 11 & 12 and to one student in each State Primary School, plus Glenleighden School, to assist the student to transition to high school.
The selection criteria require that the recipient demonstrates the “ANZAC Spirit”, has sound academic achievement and is active in their community.
In 2014 the presentations to the Primary Schools were awarded to two students, one in year 6 and one in year 7, in recognition of the changes within the education system which sees year 7 students now in high school.
Support provided by the schools
All schools provide valuable support to the Sub-Branch in several ways. They all sell ANZAC Day Badges and Remembrance Day Poppies for the Branch, which helps with our fundraising to continue our ability to support our veterans and their families. This support is greatly appreciated.
The schools are all active in Sub-Branch ANZAC Day activities and the High School provides senior students to formally play official roles in the ANZAC Services at Kenmore and Bellbowrie.
The co-coordinator of the Sub-Branch Schools Program is Neil Mackintosh. Should you wish to contact Neil, please use the attached Contact Form below.
[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’School Report Enquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone Contacts’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
Kenmore-Moggill RSL SubBranch War Veterans’ Home 2603 Moggill Road, Pinjarra Hills, Qld 4069 PO Box 1060, Kenmore, Queensland 4069 Australia
President: Trevor Dixon Ph: 0404 082080
Secretary: Doug Pickering Ph (07) 32027625
RETURNED AND SERVICES LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA (QUEENSLAND BRANCH __________________________________________________________________________________________